Budget consultation

You are invited to have your say about Cornwall Council’s spending priorities and budget for 2023/24.

We are currently consulting on our draft budget for 2023/24 until Sunday 15 January 2023.

This year we’ve seen an unprecedented rise in the cost of living, impacting on everyone in Cornwall. As everything is becoming more expensive, we also have higher costs. At the same time, demand for our services continues to grow. Our population is growing, people are generally living longer and the type of services that people need is changing. This comes at a time where we are still recovering from the financial costs of supporting and protecting our residents during the Covid pandemic. In short, increased costs and demands on our services are higher than what we planned for last year and we have to make additional savings to be able to balance our budget.

Last year, we set out a clear path forward and started making some very tough decisions on how we shape our Council to deliver services in the future, how we prioritise our spending on the services we deliver and how we balance our budget.

Our Business Plan is based on a clear mission for Cornwall Council of working with communities for a carbon neutral Cornwall, where everyone can start well, live well and age well. Our priorities, shaped by our residents and young people, are to make Cornwall:

  • A brilliant place to be a child and grow up
  • In a thriving, sustainable Cornwall that offers a secure home, a decent income and a great environment for all
  • With vibrant, safe, supportive communities where people help each other live well
  • All supported by an empowering and enterprising Council that delivers great value for money

Our draft budget proposals reflect these priorities. We are now seeking views on our plans to deliver these priorities within the budget available to us. Our proposals build on the actions we have already taken to tackle the housing crisis, turbo-charge our economy, and make Cornwall the first place in the UK to be net carbon neutral.

More information about our proposals and the consultation can be found on https://letstalk.cornwall.gov.uk/budget-23-24

Budget consultation event

We are holding an online event for our businesses, public sector and voluntary sector partners and stakeholders, where you will be able to discuss the proposals with the Leader, Deputy Leader and Chief Executive of Cornwall Council:

Wednesday 4 January 2023
7pm to 8.30pm

A video of the event will be made available after the meeting on the Council’s Let’s Talk website.

I hope you will be able to join us at the event and look forward to seeing you there.

If you would like to attend this event, please let us know by emailing haveyoursay@cornwall.gov.uk by 5pm on Tuesday 3 January. We will then send you a link and joining instructions for the event.

Cllr David Harris
Deputy Leader | Isel hembrenkyas
Cornwall Council | Konsel Kernow