Wheelie bins issues
Dear Owners
The message we have received is that a number of managed holiday let and other commercial properties have received new style household containers.
If you are able to share the full property addresses and postcodes with us (as often the marketing name given to the property doesn’t match the registered property address) we can match this information against our records and organize to collect any containers that have been issued to non-qualifying properties eg council tax rated properties which are used as full or part-time self-catering holiday lets. Alongside each address if you are able to indicate if they already utilise a commercial waste collection service, that would also be really useful.
Please continue to pass across any further reports of Household containers being delivered to holiday lets, and we’ll continue to investigate and keep you updated.
I look forward to receiving your reply. Thanks in advance.
Yours sincerely
Sharon Wills
Chargeable Waste Officer
Cornwall Council | Waste Management | Regulatory Services
commercialwaste@cornwall.gov.uk | Tel: 01872 332000
www.cornwall.gov.uk | ‘Onen hag oll’