What is Project NightEye?
Project NightEye intends to make public spaces within the evening and night-time economy, safer for women and girls. The
project will help target male perpetrators and deter crime. To help achieve this, reporting all suspicious behaviour is key.
The document is a request to those working in the evening and night-time economy especially staff working in the licensed
trade, at events, at holiday parks, street marshals and pastors, transport providers: bus companies, taxi firms and hire car operators, listing the type of behaviour Devon and Cornwall police would like you to report if you hear about it, see it or someone is telling you about it. Take action according to your management guidance, business/safeguarding policy and instructions
– this might include dialling 999 and alerting police who may be on patrol nearby.
Once you have taken action, please also report it to us using the Community Partnership Intel form
The behaviours of concern are:
• Males loitering without reason and / or persistently returning to an area after being asked to leave
• Males persistently making unwanted contact towards females
• Males blocking females from leaving a space, venue, event, or area
• Males making lewd comments or unwanted sexual advances towards females
• Males trying to isolate females and / or taking them away by physically pulling or pushing
• Following / stalking behaviour
• Particular concerns over behaviour of employees in the night-time economy who may have gained employment to
deliberately target females
• Vehicles loitering without reasons or circulating the evening and night-time economy or main routes out
We are also interested in:
• Instances on social media discussing or highlighting the above experiences which appear not to have been reported
to police.
Please fill in the Community Partnership Intel form and make reports, with as much detail as possible including, times, descriptions, locations, and vehicle registration details. Please let us know if there is any CCTV coverage, too.
You can also tell us about the above behaviours anonymously through Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Please encourage members of the public to use the StreetSafe app. This is a service for anyone to anonymously tell us about
public places where they have felt unsafe, because of environmental issues, e.g., street lighting, abandoned buildings or because of some behaviours, e.g., being followed or verbally abused. Please note: ‘StreetSafe’ is not for reporting crime or incidents
Does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? Is someone in immediate danger? Do you need support
right away? If so, please call 999.
Call 101 for non-emergency enquiries
Devon and Cornwall Police