Please be aware the village streets are very narrow and visitors often get their vehicles stuck. Take notice of the advisory signs and use the car park at the entrance to the village to avoid such pitfalls.
If you are using satellite navigation equipment, be aware that it may direct you off the main road and down into the village via a very steep and narrow hill. You are advised to stay on the main A387 road and switch off your navigation equipment as you approach Polperro.

Local Notices

Queen Elizabeth II – R.I.P

1926 – 2022 On behalf of the people of the parish of Polperro we offer our condolences to the members of the Royal Family and our appreciation following the death […]

Dog Fouling

Many of you will be aware that Polperro Community Council employs a Community Enforcement Officer to help tackle instances of dog fouling and littering. He is fully authorised to issue […]

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

The Community Council and willing volunteers intend to provide a traditional cream tea on Big Green on Sunday 5th June in Celebration of her Majesty The Queen;s Platinum Jubilee. Come and […]